How to Keep Your Record Label Organized.

Fall is generally a busy season for record labels, so let’s make sure we make our lives as easy as possible by learning how to keep our record labels organized.

Here’s 4 simple things you can do to help you stay more organized while running a record label…

1. Create Systems These are just simple ways to get things done. Procedures that can be replicated. This could be as simple as a pre-release checklist or batching similar tasks on the same day.

2. Plan Far Ahead Giving you and your label ample lead time will allow more time to get organized and will let you accomplish more than if you rushed out a release.

3. Reuse Templates. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Create reusable templates for things like press kits, album artwork, and royalty accounting. Templates also help with your label’s overall consistency.

4. Eliminate Things. The best way to be less “busy” is to remove things from your life that aren’t profitable or that aren’t personally fulfilling.

I dive much deeper into these things in this week’s episode…

I hope you find it helpful!


Interview with Cathy Pellow of Sargent House


Interview with the Record Label, Brassland.