Interview with enjou

The Wild West of Streaming and Playlisting…

One of the key topics explored was the phenomenon of passive streaming, where certain songs, such as soft piano melodies, find their way onto sleep playlists and accumulate significant plays. While this presents a unique benefit of streaming platforms, it also brings challenges such as playlist hacking and fraudulent practices.

Throughout the discussion, the importance of balancing creative integrity with the demands of streaming platforms became evident. Artists and labels must navigate the fine line between producing music that resonates with listeners and succumbing to the pressure of creating music tailored specifically for playlists.

The conversation with enjou also touched upon the evolving landscape of music consumption, with streaming opening up opportunities for fans to explore diverse genres they may not have had access to previously. However, there is a concern that this could lead to homogeneity within genres as artists strive to fit into popular playlists.

Regarding compensation for artists, the annual debate surrounding Spotify Wrapped was addressed. While it's acknowledged that the platform's business model may not be ideal for all creators, there are artists with significant listener counts who are able to make a living, depending on their deals and other revenue streams...

A notable aspect of the conversation was enjou's recent rebranding decision. Despite the risk involved in changing a successful brand, the label saw it as a necessary step for evolution and growth within the industry.

Overall, the discussion provided valuable insights into the complexities of the modern music industry and the various considerations artists and labels must take into account in the age of streaming. It underscored the importance of adaptability, creative integrity, and strategic decision-making in navigating this ever-changing landscape.

Presented by Hellbender Vinyl

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